Chicken and Komatsuna Ozoni

Chicken and Komatsuna Ozoni

The New Year's Day is over, and I was busy with January.
My heart is that there are still many porridges I bought to eat for the New Year.

So, I would like to make a so-called simmered komatsuna vegetable this time.
Of this time dashi soup Is a bowl of Yagi Nagahon Honten based on "Konbu" and "Katsuo sardine"dashi soup Use

Ingredients (for two people)

Chopsticks ... 2 pieces
Chicken ... About 10 chunks of easy-to-eat size (by choice)
Komatsuna ... 2 bunches
Carrot ... 1/3 this
Yuzu skin ... 2 pieces

Material of soup
Water ... 2 cups
Yagi Nagamoto store's chopsticks dashi soup … 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce ... 1 teaspoon

Ingredients for chicken and komatsuna noodles

1. Make the soup

About 2 tablespoons of dashi soup in water (2 cups, 400 g), put as much as 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, let through the fire.

Make potts

2. Bake rice cake while cutting ingredients

Cut the chicken into about 10 pieces to make it easy to eat.
Komatsuna is cut to a length of about 2 cm.
Carrots are cut into slightly thicker slices.
Grill the chopsticks on the grill to make them brown.

Ingredients for chicken and komatsuna noodles

Burn brown rice cake

3. Simmer the ingredients

Add ingredients to warm soup, carrot, chicken, komatsuna and chopsticks in that order, and cook.
If you are cooking chicken, you can taste carefully if you remove it carefully.

Simmer ingredients of chicken and komatsuna noodles

Put Komatsuna

Stop the fire at the timing when the carrots become soft.
Finally, when serving in the chopsticks, a few pieces of Yuzu peel are completed.

Chicken and Komatsuna Ozoni

I used komatsuna and carrots this time, so I was able to simmer in vivid colors.
The taste is also at Yagi Nagamoto Main Store dashi soup I just used to dashi soup Is working.
The umami of chicken and the texture of salmon added to it, and it became a satisfying cup.

It is good to be hungry because it uses chopsticks, and it is easy to make it.
It is the right menu for breakfast.