dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

The other day I tried challenging pasta with dashi soup flavor using poultry and parchi.
> dashi soup flavored pasta of chicken and bakuchi

Today I'd like to change the timing to add dashi soup and try out revenge.
I will also change ingredients from Pakuchi to Komatsuna.
I think I will try using bunny mountains, onions, and three leaves in the refrigerator.

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

This time dashi soup is dashi soup "miso soup for Mr. Honpo Sanshuya powder dashi ".
I would like to use this hidden taste.

dashi soup flavor of chicken and komatsuna Material of pasta (for two people)

Pasta noodles ... 2 servings
Chicken - 200 g
Komatsuna ... 2 bundles
Onions ... half
Mitsubara ... 1 bunch
Garlic ... about 4 chops
Two peppers ... 2
Olive oil
soy sauce
powder dashi

1. Cut the ingredients

When I take the skin of garlic, I will crush it with the knife of kitchen knife.
Chili peppers feel one piece in two.
Cut the Komatsuna into a length of about 2 cm.
Cut also chicken to about 2 cm square.
Shred the onion into small pieces.
Unnamed: I will unravel the badminton one by one.
While boiling this ingredients, boil the salt water boiling noodles.

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

2. Stir the ingredients

Put pasta noodles in boiling salted water, then pull a large amount of olive oil in a frying pan and put on fire.
I will smell it with garlic and red pepper in there.

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

If a little fire passes, put onions and chicken before the garlic is burnt, shake the salt and pepper.
When onions and chicken pass through the fire, stir-fry the bamboo shoots and komatsuna.
Then, put a boiled soup boiled pasta into a pan.
At this time, I think putting boiled soup a little extra.
When the fire passes for a while, the source of boiled juice will be emulsified.

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

And this time put a flavor of powder dashi at this timing.

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

3. Together with noodle and three leaves

Add boiled noodles to the emulsified sauce.
I would like to finish the noodles with al dente, so it is good if about half of the time with designated hot water.
Afterwards when fire mats with ingredients in a frying pan it will just get better.
Add some soy sauce, add fire with high heat and match the noodles, sauce and ingredients.
Stop the fire and tie down the finely chopped three leaves to the pasta.
At this time, I will leave about three-thirds leaves.

4. Completion

Finally, it is completed by putting the three leaves left over from above.

dashi soup flavor pasta of chicken and komatsuna

This time I changed the timing of putting powder dashi with the last time, but what happens to the taste?
The result ... ..., great success!

To pasta soup dashi soup and soy sauce is not at stake well.
The pasta I made last time did not have much presence of dashi soup ,This time the pasta was tasty with the flavor of dashi soup involvedis.

When making Japanese style pasta, you can add depth to the taste by adding such powder dashi .
What I used today,dashi soup Honpo Minshuya's "Miso soup powder dashi "
Next time I will try using other powder dashi .